
How to do your homework without getting distracted
How to do your homework without getting distracted

how to do your homework without getting distracted

Louise: What I do to this day, I still do this, it helps me focus so well, I set a timer on my phone for like 30 minutes, set that and then just work for that time. Lenny: You've got a really prioritise the urgent assignments, get them done first, they're out the way and then focus on the ones that you, like, have a bit more time on. Sometimes the last thing we want to do is homework, it's true! And I think in those circumstances just get it done and then we can get on with the things that we do want to do.

how to do your homework without getting distracted

Louise: But you know what? I'm gonna say it. So we've got a whole bunch of different tips to help you get into a routine. Inel: Ah, well, you know what our experts say? They say get rid of all the things that you don't need and only have the things that you really need to help you focus, yeah! Well, you know, different things work for different people. I also have ADHD which makes it hard to focus. Charlotte: My name is Charlotte and my question is: I try to keep my head down and do my homework every night, but sometimes other things get in the way.

How to do your homework without getting distracted